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Poker Chips

Types of Poker Chips

This page is aimed to give you an idea what the types of poker chips are. There aer many types of poker chips. There are plastic poker chips, diamond poker chips, faux clay poker chips, cardinal poker chips, composite poker chips, composite poker chips without a metal insert, composite poker chips with a metal insert, 13 gram poker chips, ceramic poker chips, plaques/jetons, and metal poker chips.

Below there is a complete list of types of poker chips and their relative cost. If you click on some of the links provided, there will be reviews on each type of the poker chips. Pictures are also provided.

Plastic Poker Chips

Plastic poker chips are by far the cheapest poker chips you can get your hands on. They cost about $4.00 for 100 plastic poker chips, depending upon where you purchase it from. I recommend walmart for Hoyle Poker Chips.

9 Gram Diamond Poker Chips

Diamond poker chips are a cheap alternative to composite poker chips. They are nice for a small home poker game between friends. When you splash the pot with diamond poker chips, they feel just like composite poker chips. There is not much to say about diamond poker chips except they are very similar to diamond composite poker chips; if you do not want to spend all that extra money, I would go with diamond poker chips. Not a bad deal for around $9.00 for 100 chips.

Faux Clay Poker Chips

Faux Clay Poker chips are another cheap alternative to composite poker chips. They are usually 10 grams in weight. They have a great feel to them; without the metal insert, you can truly feel the clay between your fingers. They make a nice thud when hitting the pot, unlike metal inserted chips which make a distinct pinging sound. They are priced oddly for around $10.00 for 100 chips or around 10 cents per chip.

Cardinal Poker Chips

Cardinal Poker Chips are another popular, cheap poker chip. They are very similar to the plastic poker chips and the suited composite poker chips. Basically they are a cross between the two. They feel like the composite suited poker chips, but they are slightly lighter in weight and do not have a metal insert. They go for about 10 cents per chip or $10.00 for 100 chips.

Dice or Suited Composite Poker Chips

Dice or Suited Composite Poker Chips are by far the most popular poker chips. They are typically 11.5 grams in weight and feel just like professional casino chips. They have a metal insert within them to give added weight to the chips. However, they have a rather slick feel contrary to professional casino chips; they do not stack as well or shuffle as easily. Other than that, these chips are ideal for a home poker game. These chips vary greatly in price according to the design; I can't exactly put my finger on a price. Basically these chips are a great buy if you can find them for cheap enough! I use them in my home poker games and recommend them greatly.

If you find these composite poker chips without the metal insert, they won't have as much of a ring when splashing the pot. They will stack easily and will be more similar to casino chips. Casino chips only weigh 9-10 grams depending upon the casino and are made completely out of clay. So if you want your game to be like the casino's, get yourself clay chips without metal inserts.

As I mentioned earlier, these chips are typically 11.5 grams. However, they do come in a heavier 13 gram alternative. Normally, beginners think heavier is better, but once again, casino chips only weigh 9-10 grams. I do like the 13 gram chips, but they are not in any way superior to the 11.5 gram poker chips; I wouldn't recommend paying extra for them.

Ceramic Poker Chips

Ceramic Poker chips are not nearly as popular as composite chips. However, they do have a great feel to them; they are very durable. These chips are usually fully customizable, which makes them great for a home poker game. They normally weigh about 10 grams a piece and are priced at 75 cents per chip.

Metal Poker Chips

Metal Poker chips are another expensive alternative to clay poker chips. I have never seen or played with these chips in person. They aren't very popular because of their price. However, they do have an interesting slick feel to them and make a bright ringing sound when splashing the pot. They cost around 75 cents per chip.


Metal Poker chips are another expensive alternative to clay poker chips. I have never seen or played with these chips in person. They aren't very popular because of their price. However, they do have an interesting slick feel to them and make a bright ringing sound when splashing the pot. They cost around 75 cents per chip.

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